
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

WW1 Art Project

At my school we do project based learning...well we kind of do this in art anyway. This is my project with a nod to World War 1. I thought that it would be important to do something to mark the centenary of the start of WW1. For this I decided that I wanted to link the idea of recycling and thrift and draw inspiration from trench art. For the first part of the project they'll be making their own art journals using recycled materials and decorating each page using a different material, techniques and processes. For the second part of the project they're going to design and make a poppy for a joint installation out of recycled materials. I've invited parents and carers to contribute a flower also if the fancy takes them...thought a bit of community spirit is what's it's all about!! If my school lets me I may run a workshop.
This is a wee folder I made as an introduction to the project, it's made to look like a kit bag. I have filled it with lots of inspiring images from propaganda posters, a poem by Rupert Brooke, a recipe for beef hash (which we may get to make), the lyrics to pack up your troubles (which they will be learning to sing), trench art and flowers made from recycled materials.

Created using collage and scrafitto
Created using collage and scraffito
Drip flowers
Drip flowers

An example of one of book covers made by one of my year 7 students and one of examples made from a humble cereal box. 

After showing them several techniques to decorate some of their pages I will let them experiment and develop some of the techniques they've use already and invent new ones. When they have enough pages and a finished cover I'm going to show them a simple bookfold binding technique. For some of my more able students they can have a go at perfect binding. 

This project links perfectly with what's left of the new Art National Curriculum.

Some of the very inventive finished books from my year 7 pupils. I'm really impressed with some of the embellishments like the stitching and tassels. Really loved this project, have made about 4 books it!!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Mermaid necklace

Made for today's shoot but not used

Mermaid Dragon Body paint

Another pic from today's photoshoot

Mermaid Dragon Body Paint

From a body paint shoot today for the  Mermaid Festival Folkestone calendar.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Origami ball

Origami is the perfect hobby for people who suffer with OCD and anal retentives alike...not sure what this says about me but I love it! I once made a load of centre pieces for a wedding...that wasted a few hours of my life and accelerated my chances of getting arthritis in both hands but they looked great! Here is a photo of a ball I made using loads of separate pieces of paper put together. is where I got the recipe but I modified slightly. Imagine the possibilities and things you can make, I'm still imagining, I may one day make something average... You never know!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Harp design bespoke illustration

I get to do some weird but creatively wonderful stuff. My good friend Chris McNneilly (who is one of the best people I know) has commissioned me to paint another harp for a lady who has a business called buzzing bees. He makes the harps himself...talented bloke! I thought I'd paint a lady with a beehive and flowers and bees. I shall post a couple of sketches.
Original idea
This is the outcome...changed it a bit

A deconstructed harp...should look good put together

Well it's slightly different to my original idea. I free handed it and I think it's pretty nice for a Children's entertainer called buzzing bees.

Very Merry Cherry Fairy

Illustrated story I made and illustrated for my daughter Cherry.

Very Merry Cherry Fairy

Short story I made and illustrated for my daughter Cherry.


Sketch for an illustrated story for my daughter Cherry.